– Why are you searching for a room for rent when you have 3 apartments?
– Because the rent for my apartments is more than I can afford.
There’s no such joke
– Do you know the joke about a Gabrovian who spends too much money?
– No.
– How can you know when there’s no such joke.
Checking his balance
A Gabrovian thought:
„If he’s asking 12 leva,
he can lower it to 10,
and why not take it down to 8,
when it only costs him 6.
If I bargain for 4,
I can buy it for 2.”
The Gabrovian is happy about his garment 4 times:
the first time when it’s new,
the second time when he turns it upside down,
then when he puts a patch on it and
finally when he sells it to the museum.